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Parallel Session: Deception Detection


August 26, 14:00-15:00 CEST




14.00 – 14.10 Sophie van der Zee & Ronald Poppe

Erasmus University Rotterdam, NL; Utrecht University, NL

Lies and Ties: Does familiarity facilitate deception detection?
14.10 – 14.20 Bruno Verschuere, Chu-Chien Lin, Sara Huismann, Bennett Kleinberg, & Ewout Meijer

University of Amsterdam, NL; University of Amsterdam, NL; University of Amsterdam, NL; Tilburg University, NL; Maastricht University, NL

Use the best, ignore the rest: How heuristics allow to tell lie from truth
14.20 – 14.30 Siegfried Sporer & Joanna Ulatowska

University of Giessen, DE; Nicolaus Copernicus University, PO

Indirect and unconscious deception detection: Too soon to give up?
14.30 – 14.40 Jaume Masip, Ana I. Jiménez, Iris Blandón-Gitlin, & Carmen Herrero

University of Salamanca, ESP; University of Salamanca, ESP; California State University, Fullerton, USA; University of Salamanca, ESP

“It wasn’t me, check the cameras!” Apparent verifiability of responses might indicate guilt rather than innocence
14.40 – 14.50 Ian Wellspring, Michael Woodworth, & Dylan Nemes

University of British Columbia (Okanagan), CA

Ghost of a chance? Impact of instructions and gender during investigative interviews
14.50 – 15.00 Live Q&A with all speakers

