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Parallel Session: Suspect Interviews


August 23, 16:10-17:00 CEST



16.10 – 16.20 Kate Miller, Clea Wright, Michelle Mattison, Ros Bramwell, & Coral Dando 

University of Chester, UK; University of Chester, UK; University of Nottingham, UK; University of Chester, UK; University of Westminster, UK

Question types in police interviews with homicide suspects
16.20 – 16.30 Alina Schmuck, Chiara Wüller, & Steven Watson

University of Twente, NL

The effect of denial of the victim arguments within simulated suspect interviews
16.30 – 16.40 Mikaela Magnusson, Timothy Luke, Emelie Ernberg, Lina Nyström, & Pär Anders Granhag 

University of Gothenburg, SE & Linköping University, SE;  University of Gothenburg, SE

“No comments…”: Swedish police officers’ strategies when interviewing uncooperative suspects
16.40 – 16.50 Lynn Weiher, Kirk Luther, & Steven Watson

German Police University, DE; Carleton University, CA; University of Twente, NL

The impact of interview style on the development and maintenance of rapport while testing a novel measure for rapport  
16.50 – 17.00 Live Q&A with all speakers

